Nebraska Career Connections  

Theresa Steinlage, Kuder trainer will be at ESU 10 to provide training in the use and management of the online Nebraska Career Connections system.  Participants will learn how students can:

  • Use the Career Planning Process to make informed choices
  • Understand interests, skills, and values assessments
  • Explore training, education, and potential careers and use that information for education and employment planning
Additionally, participants will be guided through the system and shown how to:
  • View individual and aggregate students data
  • Access students' portfolios and parent resources
  • Utilize content-specific lesson plans and the curriculum manager
This training is being funded with ESU 10 Perkins Consortium grant dollars and Perkins Consortium Career Educators will be given priority.  Non-ESU 10 Perkins Consortium educators registering for this training will be placed on a waiting list and offered any open seats one week prior to the training.
ESU 10 Kearney NE - Conference Room B - North Wing
August 30, 2017      8:30 AM       3:30 PM  
Career Educators, School Counselors
No, this section can NOT be taken via distance learning.
Yes, lunch is provided.
No, student support is NOT enabled for this section.
No, this section can NOT be taken for college credit.
Registration deadline is one week prior to workshop.  Cancellations not received 2 business days in advance will be billed the workshop fee.  This workshop is eligible for substitute reimbursement and mileage for ESU 10 Perkins Consortium Career Educators.